REFRESH Devotionals
He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake.
Psalm 23:2
Nurture your soul in quiet and beautiful surroundings. Your mind and body need refreshment. Recharge and rejuvenate with rest, relaxation, and renewed time with God.
While sitting in an airport waiting for a delayed flight, I flipped open my Bible and started reading in Corinthians. Sometimes it is easy to read past the introductory verses, rather than read through them. So many of the Gospels start out similarly. My thoughts were to skim past this and get into the meat of the book. And then I had to stop.
Always thank God for you, you being brothers and sisters in Christ. I have to admit that thankfulness is a work in progress for me. Yes, I’ve grown in this area, but my natural tendencies lean toward critical analysis. I don’t even look for typos in letters, newspapers, and books. They just leap out at me. I’m the one circling the 27 misspellings and grammatical errors in the church bulletin. I have been known to send my doctor’s flier back to him (anonymously, until now) with a multitude of meandering punctuation marks highlighted for continuous quality improvement. I commiserate with Lynn Truss (Eats Leaves and Shoots) and have sat in bed laughing and crying over the condition of the semicolon. The errors on television screens, arghhh! Doesn’t anyone use spell check?
Then there are all of the well-meaning, but incompetent people serving the Lord. How could anyone be in charge of the food for a church picnic and have 250 hamburger patties with 500 buns? Or lemonade that runs out after the first hour of a three hour party? Or booths set up for discussing ministry opportunities not 30 feet from the band’s (loud) speakers?
Would Paul be always giving thanks if he had to actually live and serve with these people? Would he be so quick to give thanks when the church leaders failed to adequately communicate his next speaking event? How much thankfulness would be expressed when the church leaders failed to give him his due respect?
So many times, thankfulness seems like it should be equated with forgiveness. When someone is sorry and expresses repentance, then you can forgive them. Likewise, if someone does a great job in ministry, then you can be thankful for them. But is that what God’s Word says?
We are taught that forgiveness is an act that takes place independent of any action from the wrongdoer. Whether or not someone apologizes or makes restitution, we are commanded to forgive. A second look at this verse puts thankfulness on that same plane. ‘…always giving thanks because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.’
It sounds like giving thanks is not equitable with actions or results, but rather an act of obedience to God for what He alone has done.
Author ~ Anne Fenske
500 Buns
I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus, 1 Corinthians 1:4
A Heart Of Abundance
Psalm 23 says, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”. Take a moment to truly sit in this scripture. We lack nothing, he refreshes our soul, our cups run over! The abundance that the Lord has to offer is ours for the taking.
One time I sat under a speaker who said, “have a heart of abundance, not scarcity.”. We are called to praise Him in each circumstance. Praise Him before He answers the prayer, or even if He doesn’t answer it. When we look outside ourselves, we recognize that abundance is all around us, even if it isn’t in our time or how we imagined it to look. Sit and think about every desire you have and prayer you’re asking God to answer. Now, as you go through each of those things, praise God for the goodness that you do have. For example: I have been praying for people that I know to accept Jesus. I pray everyday that the Lord would save them, and that I am so thankful He put them in my life and for each way I can see Him working in theirs and mine through knowing/ministering to them. Our focus should be off ourselves and on praising God for His sovereignty and trusting that He knows best.
A heart of abundance means recognizing the gifts we have been given. As Psalm 23 states, we have everything we need in our Savior, Jesus. Lord, I pray that whoever is reading this will be filled with your peace. Because of You, Lord, we lie down in green pastures and do not have to fear the future. You go before us in each situation. I pray we would be urgent to trust in You, Lord. Leaning on the truth of Your words, we can rest, because You are in Power. Amen!
Author ~ Morgan Hays
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. Psalm 123:1-3
How BIG is your God?
"The whole earth is full of His glory" Isaiah 6:3
In that case, how Big is your worldview?
Can God change your world?
Story ~ Little girl in Luby's Cafeteria in Sherman, TX
She cried out: "Mama, I want to sit by you!"
Louder - "Mama, I want to sit by you!"
Still Louder - "Mama, I want to sit by you!"
She got what she wanted!! How and why did she change things?
1. She cried to the right person
2. Because her Mom loved her and wanted to please her
So it is with you and me!!
We Must Change!
1. Start by crying out to God
2. Confess and repent until there is change in you
3. Plead for God, through Jesus
"You shall seek Me and find Me when you shall search for Me with all your heart" Jeremiah 29:13
Author ~ Marion Warren
whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:11
Do All to the Glory of God!
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